Sunday, October 5, 2008

I got another tatoo this weekend. I've been contemplating this one for a while and had decided to have the work done on my 40th birthday in December. But witht he passing of my Granny on the 5th aniversary of the passing of my Grandpa I decided to have the work done this weekend.

As you can tell the basic shape is a fleur-de-lis.
From Wikipedia: The fleur-de-lis is a stylized design of either an iris or a lily that is now used purely decoratively as well as symbolically, or it may be "at one and the same time political, dynastic, artistic, emblematic and symbolic,especially in heraldry. Two of my granny's favorite flowers were a lilly and an Iris. Every other fall I'd help her dig up all of her iris rhisomes, split them and replant them. She loved the variety of colors around her home each spring.

Fleurs-de-lis appear on military insignia and the logos of many different organizations, and during the 20th century it was adopted by various Scouting organizations worldwide for their badges. I continue in my association with scouting even after Brandon has finished. I've worn a fleur-de-lis symbol on my uniform every week for over 30 years now. I choose green in the left section to represent my commitment to scouting and its ideals.

As a religious symbol it may represent the Trinity, or be an iconographic attribute of the archangel Gabriel, notably in representations of the Annunciation.In such contexts, it is associated with the Virgin Mary. At one time I had thought about a tradtional trinity symbol as my next tattoo, but this suffices and keeps with my religous motifs. I choose gold for the middle branch to represent my commitment to Christ. I like the way the gold Christ color is enveloping and overtaking the darker self color.

The symbol is also often used on a compass rose to mark the north direction, a tradition started by Flavio Gioja. I also like the symbolism here. I had thought about getting a nautical star, but it is just too common. So this tatto represent the 40 years worth of direction poured into my own life from my God, my grandparents, and from the virtues learned in scouting - everything they have taught me will continue to guide me over the next 60 years.

I also had been looking for a way to incorporate my childrens names or initals into a tattoo, and this was accomplished as well. Each of them are represented in the berry cluster. Holding everything together is a symbolic wedding ring. I love the combination of black, white, gold, and silver used here.

I have to give major props to Barry at T-Town tattoos at 71st and Memorial for his great artisty and taking my vision and putting it into ink. I highly recomend him for any ink you have planned for your future.

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